Donate to Our Library

There are many way you can support the library.

Donate books. Donate time. Donate money.

Your support for the library will strengthen and expand our mission to serve every one in our service area. 


Donate Books:
-You can donate gently used books, Blu-Rays and DVDs to the library. Any books that are not added to the collection will go to the Friends for future book sales.

We're sorry but we cannot accept old encyclopedias, old textbooks, cassette tapes, music CDs, audiobooks, or VHS tapes. All donated materials should be in good condition and published within the past 10 years.

Please read this document for complete donation guidelines.


Donate Time:
-Join the library support groups, Friends or Foundation. 

-Volunteer. We have many opportunities for volunteers, just ask a staff member next time you're in. 



Donate Money:
-Please contact Liz King, Solon Public Library Director, if you are interested in making a monetary donation to the library. 

Join the Friends
Join the Foundation